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Unify your samples with any type of assay data.

Sample Manager allows you to capture any type of experiment/assay data and unify this data with related samples. This gives you a complete view of the data generated from ongoing experiments and sample processing. Lab workflows within the system can be used to guide experiments and data capture procedures.

Sample Manager data integration features allow you to:

  • Create custom data import formats to upload any type of data
  • Add descriptions for data types and individual runs
  • Ensure data integrity by limiting data edit permissions based on user roles
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Manage your samples and related assay data in one system.

Import any type of lab data to unify with your samples.

  • Create assay designs to describe how tabular data should be interpreted, stored, and associated with samples
  • Import and store multiple runs of sample related data for downstream analysis
  • Control the ability to edit assay runs and results based on user permissions
assay data integration

Guide the capture of scientific data with workflows.

  • Create workflow templates to standardize data capture procedures
  • Include specific sets of samples in your workflow jobs and templates
  • Add instructions to your workflows to further solidify data capture procedures

Monitor sample-related experiments and assay data imports.

  • Monitor the completion progress of data capture workflows
  • Easily track and view data that has been uploaded for each sample
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lab management software

See how others have succeeded with LabKey

Candel Therapeutics

Sample Manager at Candel Therapeutics

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Sample Manager at NIAID

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Ohio State

Sample Manager at The Ohio State University

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Benefits of Unifying Lab Samples with Assay Data

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Clinical Sample Tracking for Labs and Researchers

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Picking the Right Sample Management System for Your Lab

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Start your evaluation of LabKey by scheduling a meeting with a LabKey Product Specialist.