Trusted by over 500 Life Science
Research Organizations
Data management software built with scientists, for scientists.
Our flexible and scalable data management software to meet the ever-changing needs of scientific research.
Lab Sample Management
Sample Manager
Sample management software designed to boost efficiency and productivity. Easily track samples, define workflows, and unify your samples with their assay data- all with full audit and compliance features.
Sample Management SoftwareBiologics R&D
Biologics LIMS
Accelerate biopharma R&D with a user-friendly LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System). This suite of tools includes an Electronic Lab Notebook, Sample Manager, Bioregistry and Workflow Manager.
Biologics LIMSExperiment Documentation & Collaboration
Electronic Lab Notebook
Efficiently document experiments and share ongoing research with our data-connected ELN. This electronic lab notebook is seamlessly integrated with samples, assay data and other registered data.
ELN SoftwareMass Spectrometry Software
Easily integrate, organize and share Skyline targeted mass spectrometry documents in a centralized repository. Consistently monitor the performance of instruments to ensure accurate results.
Mass Spectrometry SoftwareSDMS - Scientific Data Management System
LabKey Server SDMS
Integrate, analyze, and share your life science data. LabKey Server SDMS is highly customizable for a variety of research protocols, analysis tools, data integrations and compliance needs. The platform also serves as the foundation for our life science software products.