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Targeted mass spectrometry software for centralizing data and monitoring system suitability.

Panorama is a cloud-based targeted mass spectrometry software that serves as a central data repository for managing Skyline analysis results. The system integrates closely with Skyline to create a workflow that supports aggregating, curating, and sharing experiment results. Panorama is also used to continuously monitor the performance of lab instruments and reagents for system suitability with the Panorama QC tools. Panorama is collaboratively developed in partnership with the MacCoss Lab at the University of Washington, the developers of Skyline. As an added bonus, organizations using Panorama have direct access to the Panorama and Skyline development teams to help shape the direction of ongoing development to suit their specific needs.

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Improve the efficiency and data integrity of your targeted mass spec analysis.

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Continuously monitor system suitability.

Monitor the performance of instruments and reagents to ensure accurate results.

Centralize Skyline document storage.

Easily integrate, organize and share targeted mass spectrometry results in a centralized repository.

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Connect results for analysis.

Aggregate previous experimental results to visualize reproducibility and support efficient iterative method development.

Integrate sample management.

Track the full lineage of samples and connect their metadata with your mass spec results.

Explore our Panorama mass spectrometry software.

Skyline Document Repository

Centrally manage Skyline data, analyze further, and share with collaborators.

  • Automatically upload Skyline files for curation, sharing and analysis
  • Search and report across experiments or through multiple versions of a single documents
  • Use fine-grained permissions to control data accessibility and publishing
  • Use the Reproducibility Report to visualize the reproducibility of the assays and which peptides perform best

System Suitability

Continuously monitor the performance of lab instruments and reagents.

  • Monitor incoming data, evaluate LC MS/MS performance over time and quickly identify potential issues.
  • QC dashboard provides a high-level look at the status of mass spec instruments and related files.
  • Generate interactive QC plots like Levey-Jennings, Moving Range, and CUSUM to identify outliers.

Multi-Attribute Method (MAM) Support

Capture MAM analysis data to characterize proteins.

  • Panorama includes MAM-specific reporting with its analytics, offering immediate results and data sharing to any imported data. 
  • Panorama and AutoQC’s automated workflow provide longitudinal tracking of MAM-related metrics for QC purposes.
  • Detect previously unidentified features that may represent peptide variants or contaminants

Sample Management

Track samples and unite them with related targeted mass spec data.

  • Register samples with all needed metadata and track them through their entire life-cycle.
  • Unify samples with their related mass spec data
  • Maintain an audit-ready log of the actions performed on each sample

Request a demo of the Panorama mass spectrometry software.

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Panorama Pricing


Includes Starter Edition of LabKey Server SDMS


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Targeted Mass Spectrometry Support
Integration with Skyline table check
System Suitability and QC table check
Multi-Attribute Method Support table check
Data Visualizations table check
Data Management
Sample Manager Starter
Assay Data Management table check
Clinical Study Management table check
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) Processing table check
Quality Control & Trend Reporting table check
Database Integrations
Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Amazon Redshift table check
Cloud Hosting & Data Security
Cloud Hosting Starter
User Management & Access Control table check
LDAP, Single Sign-on & Two-factor Authentication table check
Training & Support
Regular Meetings with Dedicated Account Manager and Skyline Development Team Monthly
Premium Documentation table check
Customized Training for Administrators & Users table check

Learn more about Panorama


Skyline and Panorama for Establishing a Targeted LC/MS Workflow

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Evaluating LC-MS System Suitability with SkyLine & Panorama

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Multi-Attribute Method reporting with Panorama and Skyline

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